Crowley continues to make great progress in the transformational upgrades now underway at the company's Isla Grande Terminal in San Juan, Puerto Rico. In addition to achieving safety certifications from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the company is pleased to report that all three of the new gantry cranes, which have been designed to serve the company's liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered ConRo ships, which are under construction, have passed their required endurance tests. As shown in the video clip above, endurance testing simulates 12 hours of continuous cargo-handling maneuvers to prove that the cranes' systems, technology and equipment are in safe and good working order before operations begin.
"We are very pleased, but not at all surprised, that the cranes are meeting our expectations in terms of safety and performance," said Crowley's Tucker Gilliam, vice president special projects. "This achievement takes us one step closer to the day we can begin providing faster, more efficient shipping services between the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico."
To read about the revolutionary Commitment Class ConRo vessels, which will be served by these cranes in the U.S. mainland - Puerto Rico trade, click here.