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Three new, ship-to-shore container cranes have been constructed in Ireland and are scheduled for delivery to Crowley Puerto Rico Services’ Isla Grande Terminal in San Juan later this month. The electric-powered cranes will be used to load and discharge containerized cargo being carried aboard Crowley’s two new liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered, Commitment Class ConRo ships, one of which is expected to be in service in the second half of 2017 and the other in the first half of 2018.
Crowley Puerto Rico Services, Inc. announced today that it has broken ground on a $48.5-million construction project for a new pier at its Isla Grande Terminal in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The project includes the development of a new 900-foot-long, 114-foot-wide concrete pier and all associated dredging needed to accommodate Crowley’s two new liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered, Commitment Class ships, which are scheduled for delivery in 2017. Crowley’s terminal expansion also includes the installation of three new ship-to-shore container gantry cranes, which will be supplied under a separate contract.
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