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Crowley Maritime Corp. and Eagle LNG Partners recently began construction of a new shore-side, liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility on Crowley-leased property at JAXPORT’s Talleyrand Marine Terminal in Jacksonville. The LNG bunker fueling facility will serve Crowley’s new Commitment Class, LNG-powered, combination container/Roll-on Roll-off (ConRo) ships, which are under construction for use in the U.S. Mainland-Puerto Rico trade.
Crowley Maritime Corporation reached another critical milestone with the recent setting of the main engine onto El Coquí, the first of two new, Commitment Class ConRo (combination container and Roll/On-Roll/Off) ships that will be powered by liquefied natural gas for use in in the ocean cargo trade between Jacksonville and Puerto Rico.
Crowley Puerto Rico Services, Inc. has selected Eagle LNG Partners (Eagle LNG) as the liquefied natural gas (LNG)-supplier for the company’s new LNG-powered, Commitment Class ships, which will be delivered in 2017 for use in the U.S. mainland to Puerto Rico trade. To support Crowley’s LNG needs, Eagle LNG will build a natural gas liquefaction plant (LNG plant) offering a capacity of 200,000 gallons per day (87,000 gallons per day initially) in Jacksonville. The state-of-the-art facility is slated to be operational by early 2017.
New Jones Act Ships to be Among the Most Modern, Technologically Advanced and Environmentally Friendly in the World
Construction of the first of two liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered, combination container – Roll-On/Roll-Off (ConRo) ships for Crowley Maritime Corporation’s liner services group reached another important milestone last week, with the installation of three LNG fuel tanks. The double-walled, stainless steel tanks – which are 110 feet in length and 20.6 feet in diameter – weigh 225 metric tons and will hold more than enough LNG fuel for two round-trip voyages between the vessel’s future ports of call, Jacksonville, Fla., and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The construction of the first of two liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered, combination container – Roll-On/Roll-Off (ConRo) ships for Crowley Maritime Corporation’s liner services group has reached a critical milestone, one that marks the construction 25 percent complete. A video describing the progress may be viewed online here.
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